Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving Recipes 11/9

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, we will start to show some of our family and friend recipes for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  If you have any questions, or need a specific recipe, please let us know.

Mincemeat Pie - Loven By The Oven Cookbook

1 Jar 28 ounces (3 cups) prepared mincemeat             1 1/2 cups diced pared tart apples 
2 Tablespoons butter, melted                                      1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Teaspoon Vanilla                                                     1/3 Tablespoon Heavy Cream
1/4 cup of Brandy (optional)                                       2 Teaspoons of sugar
If you are going to use Brandy, mix brandy and mincemeat together, refrigerate overnight.

4 - 9 inch Pie Shells (2 for the bottom, 2 for the top)  I like the rolled out dough in the pie section of your grocery store, homemade is wonderful, but who has the time today.  The rolled out dough is better then the tin pans with dough.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees

Prepare Pastry in 2-9 inch pie pans.  Mix mincemeat, apples, butter, vanilla, and heavy cream, pour into pie shells, cover the top of each pie with the other 2 pie crusts.  Make 4 slits into the top of each pie, sprinkle each pie with 1 teaspoon of sugar.

I like to put the pies on a baking sheet, cook at 425 degrees for 40-45 minutes, top with whip cream.



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